Task #3716
Task #3669: RA1a - Analysis and cataloguing of artifacts
Task #3714: WebProkus - software for analysis of synthetic speech
Enable to view speech signal and spectrogram in WebProkus
Added by Matoušek Jindřich about 9 years ago.
Updated about 9 years ago.
Enable to view speech signal and spectrogram in WebProkus
- Blocked by Task #3715: Create basic version of WebProkus added
- Blocks Task #3717: Enable to view and use candidates of selected units added
- Blocks deleted (Task #3717: Enable to view and use candidates of selected units)
- Follows Task #3717: Enable to view and use candidates of selected units added
- Follows deleted (Task #3717: Enable to view and use candidates of selected units)
- Precedes Task #3717: Enable to view and use candidates of selected units added
- Due date changed from 23.03.2016 to 15.02.2016
- Start date deleted (
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Vít Jakub to Matoušek Jindřich
- Status changed from Resolved to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Matoušek Jindřich to Vít Jakub
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
The spectrogram view is still quite small. Please try to enlarge the spectrogram (and reduce the waveform view).
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
If you see it wrong in browser, press Ctrl-R to refresh cache.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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