Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY





From 29.04.2017 to 28.05.2017


22:13 Task #3806: "mlýneček" sounds like "mlýmeček"
[n] in both sound samples sounds naturally, much better than the former version. F2 formant trajectory looks correct ... Bořil Tomáš


10:01 Two papers accepted for INTERSPEECH conference!
The following two papers were accepted for prestigious "INTERSPEECH 2017 conference": ... Matoušek Jindřich
09:48 Paper accepted for SPECOM 2017 conference
The following paper was accepted for "SPECOM 2017 conference": (indexed by "ISI Web of Knowledge":... Matoušek Jindřich
09:38 Three papers accepted for TSD 2017 conference!
The following three papers were accepted for "TSD 2017 conference": (indexed by "... Matoušek Jindřich


14:31 Task #4206 (Closed): HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Penalize units with duration different from HMM-based predicted value. Matoušek Jindřich
14:30 Task #4205 (Closed): DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization
Penalize units with duration different from DNN-based predicted value. Matoušek Jindřich

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