Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY





Bibliografické údaje

Název Modification of the Glottal Voice Characteristics Based on Changing the Maximum-Phase Speech Component
Autor Vondra, M., Vích, R.
Typ publikace Článek v časopise, odborném periodiku
Periodikum Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Enactment: The Processing Issues
Nakladatel Springer / Berlin, Heidelberg
Svazek 6800
Strana 240-251
Rok 2011
ISBN 978-3-642-25774-2
ISSN 0302-9743

Detail, PDF


Voice characteristics are influenced especially by the vocal cords and by the vocal tract. Characteristics known as voice type (normal, breathy, tense, falsetto etc.) are attributed to vocal cords. Emotion influences among others the tonus of muscles and thus influences also the vocal cords behavior. Previous research confirms a large dependence of emotional speech on the glottal flow characteristics. There are several possible ways for obtaining the glottal flow signal from speech. One of them is the decomposition of speech using the complex cepstrum into the maximum- and minimum-phase components. In this approach the maximum-phase component is considered as the open phase of the glottal flow signal. In this contribution we present experiments with the modification of the maximum-phase speech signal component with the aim to obtain synthetic emotional speech.