Task #4343
closedTask #4329: Dílčí zpráva 2017
Task #4342: Část DC - rozbor řešení (FF UK)
Popis řešení projektu - část RA2
Updated by Skarnitzl Radek about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
In RA2, the work focused on the perceptual testing of intrusive phenomena, mostly in the spectral domain and in the domain of fundamental frequency (F0). Preliminary analyses revealed that a great majority of the problems resulting from contextual incongruity (i.e., the effect of labial, palatal, or nasal contexts; see RA2a) can be captured by the formant values (RA2c). This led to the creation of a perception test where formant frequencies were manipulated in a controlled way so as to create artificial discontinuities. Subsequent perceptual testing showed that formant discontinuities may have serious perceptual repercussions, affecting the perceived length of the vowels in question; since Czech is a language with distinctive vowel length, this was a very important finding, published in Interspeech 2017 proceedings. F0 shifts (RA2b) yielded no such effects, but work is currently continuing on preparing more sophisticated F0 discontinuities (see RA3c).
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed