Task #3720
closedTask #3669: RA1a - Analysis and cataloguing of artifacts
Task #3688: Separation of some phonemes into distinct phones
Analyze unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř"
Results of so-far conducted listening tests show some inconsistencies in what was expected versus what the listeners judged - see #3713-2. The sentence IDs correspond to the IDs in the listening test, so you can listen to the sentences there.
The used phonetic alphabet is here.
Please try to analyze these unexpected results given the information provided in #3713-2. You may find some context to be inappropriate, or some other mismatches, ...
Updated by Skarnitzl Radek about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
Updated by Skarnitzl Radek about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
In general, it is important to realize that the voicing in /ř/ is the least stable of all phonologically voiced obstruents (Skarnitzl, 2011, p. 215). It tends to get lost even between vowels (words like pořád) and between voiced sounds (v řadě, bříza, pařba). It is quite likely, therefore, that phonetic voicing may have been absent in contexts marked as voiced. Insertion of such a (partially) devoiced /ř/ into a voiceless context thus would not be disturbing.
Specific notes to the individual realizations:
sentence #3 - ..., ohnivzdorné bundy a pep*ř*ové kanony.
- total score: - 0.14
- [ř] score: - 0.43
- baseline is voiceless, neither Ř has a disturbing effect
- there is no obvious reason for such a bias in the evaluation
sentence #11 - Vep*ř*ové je témě*ř* tabu.
- total score: - 0.29
- [ř] score: - 0.14
- the first baseline Ř is clearly from a voiced context, the second is practically voiceless
- the timing is off in both the baseline and noSubsts versions, but baseline sounds worse, there is no obvious explanation for the bias
sentence #12 - a aby nast*ř*ádal na sibi*ř*ský výlet, ...
- total score: - 1.0
- [ř] score: - 0.43
- the first baseline Ř is voiced towards the end, the second is voiceless
- there is a huge quality change in the [a:] in nastř+á+dal which may have caused the biased evaluation_
sentence #16 - zdravotnické pot*ř*eby a léka*ř*ské služby.
- total score: - 0.43
- [ř] score: - 0.14
- both baseline Ř sounds are voiceless and not disturbing
- the bias may be due to timing which is off in noSubsts, especially in potřeby
sentence #22 - A mod*ř* nehybně odplouvá tak jako řeka, ...
- total score: - 0.71
- [ř] score: - 0.29
- baseline is fully voiced, which corresponds to Moravian assimilation (voicing before sonorants), noSubsts is voiceless and correct
- since this is quite a rare word, the spelling and expectation of [d] may have prevailed, but this is just speculation
sentence #25 - Vě*ř*te mi, ...
- total score: - 0.29
- [ř] score: 0.29 was evaluated as better in noSubsts, problem may be somewhere else
- the voiced context of the baseline Ř is audible on closer analysis, but it is phonetically voiceless
sentence #27 - , podivil se signatá*ř* Martin Mejst*ř*ík.
- total score: - 0.57
- [ř] score: 0.43 was evaluated as significantly better in noSubsts, problem may be somewhere else
- both baseline Ř sounds are voiceless and not disturbing
sentence #29 - Množme se a spo*ř*me.
- total score: - 1.0
- [ř] score: - 0.14
- In this item, the voicing is reversed! The noSubsts version is fully voiced, i.e. with Moravian assimilation, the baseline is voiceless = correct, and the score is thus logical.
sentence #30 - Hrát proti mladší soupe*ř*ce, ...
- total score: - 1.0
- [ř] score: - 0.57
- the baseline Ř is voiceless, the timing is very much off in the [e] before Ř in the noSubsts version; in other words, both Ř sounds are ok, the biased evaluation is probably due to the context
sentence #35 - ..., u*ř*knutí a podobně
- total score: - 0.43
- [ř] score: 0.29 was evaluated as better in noSubsts, problem may be somewhere else
- both Ř sounds are voiceless and although the voiced context in baseline is audible upon closer analysis, it is not disturbing
sentence #40 - ..., vysvětlil jeho ošet*ř*ující léka*ř* Ilja Kotík.
- total score: - 0.14
- [ř] score: - 0.14
- all Ř sounds are voiceless and not disturbing
sentence #41 - Hovo*ř*te o t*ř*ech týdnech.
- total score: - 0.57
- [ř] score: 0.29 was evaluated as better in noSubsts, problem may be somewhere else
- all Ř sounds are voiceless and not disturbing
sentence #42 - Pracovali témě*ř* výhradně u pošty
- total score: - 0.29
- [ř] score: - 0.14
- both Ř sounds are voiceless and not disturbing
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich about 9 years ago
- Precedes Task #3734: Evaluate analysis of unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř" added
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich about 9 years ago
- Parent task changed from #3669 to #3688
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich almost 9 years ago
- Precedes deleted (Task #3734: Evaluate analysis of unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř")